Са раним почетком пролазимо крај величанственог планинског ланца Олимп и кроз живописне падине Темби. Пролазећи кроз град Ларису, настављамо до града Каламбака у подножју Метеора. Учествујемо у радионици икона.

This is followed by climbing Meteora, the geological wonder of the “floating walls” that will leave you breathless with it magnificence. You will be able to visit two monasteries and get to know their history, beautiful Byzantine frescoes, and the longing of the lords to approach the God who led them to build the monasteries on the tops of the vertical walls away from the temptation of the earthly life.

На повратку до базе зауставићемо се на ручку и посетити цркву. Потом посећује цркву Свете Параскеве у Тембију, а ми се враћамо увече.

Opis rute
5:30 Departure from Hanioti (Pefkohori, Polihrono, Kalithea, Kriopigi)
10:30 Arrival to Meteora and visiting 2 monasteries
14:00 Time for lunch in Taverna in Kalambaka city
15:30 Departure from Kalambaka
20:30 Return to Hanioti (Pefkohori, Polihrono, Kalithea, Kriopigi)

Opis rute
Duration: 13 hours
Days: Thursday
Jezici: grčki, engleski, srpski, ruski

– Transfer

Да понесем са собом
– Clothes for visiting monasteries
– Water and snacks


You will be able to visit two monasteries and get to know their history, beautiful Byzantine frescoes, and the longing of the lords to approach the God who led them to build the monasteries on the tops of the vertical walls away from the temptation of the earthly life.

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